Sunday, December 12, 2010

Excellent weekend

This last week has been tracking well. In particular this weekend.
Saturday was a nice and lazy day at home, played some computer, relaxed and had an overall lovely day. Ate good food all in all as well, nothing crazy, a couple of choc coated coffee beans was the extent of the indulgence.

Sunday. Personal training day. Up and at them quite early (I can't seem to sleep in really late any more, even if I stay in bed late I wake up at 6am) read a few things from the readers (have a massive backlog on my non-fitness / crafty reader) and then mooched off to the other side of town for PT. I train Sundays' at lunchtime, across city once a week. I drive for an hour to get to personal training because a) I have an AMAZING trainer, b) I get to train with my Mum, c) I have coffee with Mum after and then visit Dad to spend the rest of the day with them, which truthfully wouldn't happen otherwise because they live on one side of the city and I live on the other. d) I occasionally score home cooked dinner. SCORE!!!!!

Today was a long one. Training: I have to say even though I had to stop at one point during the kettlebell workout and have a lie down because I thought I was going to puke, I had the best work out and felt GREAT afterwards. How do people work out how much water to drink during training, if I'm just running / biking I'm fine drinking when I'm thirsty, circuit training though, I'm dying of thirst the whole time, but if I drink more I just want to puke >< ???

I train for about 40 minutes, start on the tread mill and then do 30 - 35 mins of circuit. It's something different every week, high intensity and flat out the whole time. A really great workout, I train with usually Mum and another girl, I am the heaviest and also the most unfit, this is improving though. I almost fell off the treadmill when I looked at what speed I had put in for some "fast walking / jogging" and it was over a km/hr faster than what I had been able to manage previously. Obviously I need to make sure I'm up'ing my speed more regularly at home and paying less attention to the numbers and just going with what "feels" right.

I also think I had an amazing work out due to my new support garments. I found a really wonderful lingerie store down the road from my training studio and lo and behold they sell bras in my size and fitting, which after not being properly fitted in over 14 years turns out to be a 20FF, or US 42FF. I thought I was a 24DD, oh how wrong I was :P
I almost fell over when she told me the size, and the fit is wonderful, my underwires actually sit on my sternum... who would have thunk it ... GO, get fitter properly people the difference is mind blowing. (the price for large size bras blows my mind too, I forgot that they were over $100... ) I kind of hope my cup size drops a bit so I can shop at regular stores again or I'm going to cry. At least now I know where I can go to get decent bras for at least working out, which is the most important thing at the moment. My rib cage is smaller than I though though which was a nice surprise :)

I was up .3kg last Wednesday at WI. This week I intend to get that back off. I'm quite enjoying the Propoints plan to date, however I have been less than focused, I will work to rectify that this week and next. I've been tracking really well and haven't gone through all my points yet so should see some good progress this week, if not then the fact that I have to take all my pants in again is good enough for me.

Hope everyone had great weekend, here is to a good week

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Car blogging again

Blogging on the drive home tonight. I should make more use of this time, I tend to nap.

Today I did good and I did bad.

I had killer chocolate cravings all day, in the end I gave in. The nutella on corn thins just wasn't cutting it. I tried the choccie frog, that lasted me through to the evening and then I craved again and got a kit kat. Crapulent. It was very tasty, I didn't need the big one though and I didn't need all off it. I need to learn to share the bad food so I don't consume it all myself.
I have learnt from it, which is the main thing and I didn't eat the chocolate mousse I ordered with dinner. I did eat all of mega salad which was possibly somewhat excessive yet tasty and fortunately mostly just vegetables. I only drank 3.4 ltrs today, just not as thirsty today, was nice to not have to pee on the hour though. Lol

So good, didn't eat mousse, bad that I bother buying chocolate I didn't need. Tomorrow I will take more fruit for afternoon tea to cover the sugar craving, need to take some hot choc mix to work too as I'm out and that usually helps too.

I'm home alone tomorrow and Thursday as the boi is interstate for work. I plan on getting in a nice quick run in the morning before he leaves and then another in the evening to pass some time. Might have to check out some tv shows I have saved up as out home Internet seems unhappy and the modem is having issues (need to get it replaced actually might try remember to do that too)

Of course most important thing tomorrow is I have my Weightwatchers meeting. I think I lost this week but I'm not sure. My lunches are back on track but my pre-planning has been arse. Another thing to add to the list of goals to work on. Bit by bit. All good. I feel good, my skin is great and I'm eating healthy.

And now we are almost home I'm going to go pass out. We always get home so late on Tuesday nights. This is why I hate Wednesdays so much. Hehehe.

Cute cat picture for amusement. This is Scruff, aka Fuzzy or teddy bear. She like to sleep on a vision in-between my keyboard and my screen and also kill things on screen if I'm playing video games.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blogging from the car

I have been meaning to post for a while. I've just not been bothering to turn on the Pc when I get home. Which is good for moving myself as once I'm on the Pc I get a bit distracted from everything else., not so good for blogging. I have blogger on the iPhone so I will make use of this whilst the boi drives us home (and back to work again).

The last couple of weeks I've been getting into twitter more and I'm really enjoying it. Moving a bit away from the facecrack (deleted farmville hehe) and I've also been using twitter to meet new people either finishing starting or at some point in between of the get healthy and lose weight journey. The support and camaraderie of the twitter community is something pretty special. I'm really glad I found it and started getting involved. Everyone I've interacted with so far has been really friendly, welcoming, funny, open, honest and so many other great things. So a thank you to everyone I've met so far and will meet.
Since finding twitter I have also found a few really amazing motivational tools. The one I have joined for December is the #DecGTD (link coming one I'm on a Pc). A group of people from all over getting together to support each other and work towards "going the distance" each person has chosen for the month. I am aiming to get in 20 miles on the treadmill and outside. I hope I can go future but after the injuries of the last 2 months I want to start back with something achievable then evaluate and push next month based on how well everything holds up.
Doing the #DecGTD challenge has got me really ex iced about getting my walk / run in as often as possible and I'm looking more forward to it even when it has been a stinking hot and humid day.

I think I need to do some more reading up on twitter and such. There are more acronyms than I deal with day to day and I'm in IT. I'm sure there are easier ways to do some things. All fun though.

The last week for me was a bit slack food wise. I have worked out missing lunch (because I didn't pack it) is the worst thing I can do. I forget to eat or eat very late then mess up dinner and that was the issue last week. I was a slack arse and that's not going to keep flying Have to get back to it. Fortunately all back on track now. I made up q bunch more breakfast muesli and made sue all lunch veggies were fully stocked so all back on the go. Have mega sanga packed again and ready to rumble.

Other random thoughts.
- I actually managed to forget it's snake season. I'm an idiot.
- I've found a new path to do my runs not near the places they like (my old route was more trail and close to water but not very busy)
- I need more ice packs for post run
- I love the new chai tea drink I found!

Okay off to start a new week. GL to everyone in meeting and blowing their goals out of the water. My aim this week is to run no matter the weather, keep up my water intake and remember to ice after running so I don't become a cripple. nothing worse than not knowing which leg to limp on because they both hurt. Lol.

The view from my runs and why I needed a new route.